The Elon Homes for Children has been a special project of the Club. For many years, the children and staff members were guests of the club for dinner and a special Thanksgiving program. The Homes continue to recieve financial support from the club through an annual auction and from individual members.A Rotary Charity Fund was established in 1952. Members contribute to it on a regular basis and proceeds are used to support local charities as well as Rotary projects such as Polio Plus.
Other special projects of the club have included a fireworks show at Halloween, Youth Baseball Programs, Rotary Cottage at Lake Waccamaw Boys Home, Rotary International Exchange Programs, adult literacy efforts through Alamance Community College providing tutoring for at risk children at Grove Park Elamentary School, and a Burlington Rotary Club Scholarship for a graduating high school senior from the Alamance/Burlington school system.
The club has taken the lead in hosting ESSEX, a group of more than 325 Rotary exchange sudetnts who have visited Alamance County each year for the past sixteen years.
During 1997 the club became coordinator for the Reading Is Fundamental Program in the Burlington Elementary Schools. This program provides free books to students in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades three times during each school year.