The Burlington Rotary Club entered it's 85th year on April 25, 2010. We continue to support the Rotary Foundation as all of our members are Paul Harris Fellows. Our biggest project in the past few years (1997 to current) is the RIF Program (Reading is Fundamental) in which we give 3 books each year to all the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders at all the Burlington Elementary Schools with our newest school being Highlands Elementary, beginning in 2009.
We have enjoyed many club socials by going to local wineries, attending our local theater preceded by dinner, attending our local baseball team games along with a club picnic, and having an annual Holiday Party during December.
Our members continue to give "Service Above Self" with activities in many other organizations including Alamance Eldercare, Hospice, Alamance Citizens for Education, The Salvation Army, United Way, Chamber of Commerce, and many religious organizations. For the last few years, we have helped the local Dentist Society set up, and brake down, the equipment for their annual free dental clinic.
We support the District annual golf outing and have teams in golf tournaments sponsored by other clubs. Over the past few years we have supported the Alamance County Historical Museum (03), Rotary Tsunami Relief (05),Times News Spelling Bee (06), Trees for Eastlawn School (07), help for an Iraq Ophthalmologist Physician to visit the USA (07), help for students at Newlin School to go to Washington, D.C. (08), and help for getting a fire engine for our sister city in Mexico (2010).
We are constantly looking for new ways to raise money for our Charity Fund and new projects to support.
Over the past few years Dr Earl Daniely ( Past President of Elon University and an honorary member of our club ) has been presiding over the program to induct our new officers in June.